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KA001: Duo Van Gele - Taylor, Greensleeves: The intimate character of recorder and harp together is ideal for bringing out the delicacy and liveliness of the early chamber music repertoire, ranging from the middle ages till the early baroque. The duo Van Gele/Taylor performs on a unique collection of copies of historical harps and recorders made by the world's leading builders. read more
KA005: Some Strange Felicity, Sospiri Ardenti: The music of two generations of English composers comes vividly to life in a program created around Shakespearean theater music by the ensemble Sospiri Ardenti.
Based on the plays Twelfth Night and The Tempest - two of the best-loved Shakespearean comedies (which were richly provided by Shakespeare himself with musical moments), this program presents dramatized scenes from the plays, incorporating 16th- and 17th-century songs, instrumental works and dance. Soprano and alto voice, recorder, harpsichord and lute. read more
KA002: Bach, Cello Suites I-III, Geert Van Gele: In a program that has proved very popular with audiences, each of the first three of Bach’s six cello suites is fit to the type of recorder that brings out the suite’s special qualities. The deep-sounding bass recorder embodies the melancholy drama of Suite no. 2, while the lively sound of the alto recorder sparkles with the youthful enthusiasm of Suite no. 3. The mild timbre of the "voice flute" (a tenor recorder in D) perfectly fits the calm maturity of Suite no. 1. read more
KA006: Janpieter Biesemans, retrospective: an overview of the repertoire of contemporary Flemish composer Biesemans, featuring 10 soloists and an orchestra! Includes a world premier recorder concerto among others. read more
KA003: Quadrivium, La Cause est Amer: Medieval Love Poems from Japan and the Low Countries
Asuite of five medieval Japanese love poems form the core of this unique program. Set to music for Quadrivium by Belgian composer Janpieter Biesemans, the pieces examine different states of love: the joy of newly discovered love; parting at dawn; absence of the beloved; doubting faithfulness; and rueful grief. Although Biesemans has scored the suite for western medieval instruments, his compositions capture the delicate yet intense character of Japanese traditional music. In this program Quadrivium pairs these compositions with Late-Medieval Netherlandish art songs which echo similar sentiments. read more
a program with lutenist Jurgen De bruyn and recorder player Geert Van Gele, with intimate baroque music of the Low Countries. Music by Loeillet, Van Noordt, De Fesch, Fiocco. This will be available soon. read more